FTP, Advanced

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Expert Mode: Advanced FTP Settings


·Port: The port number of the FTP server. Most FTP servers use port 21, except when using Implicit SSL/TLS encryption in which case most FTP servers use port 990.


·Reconnect Attempts: Whenever the connection to the FTP server is lost, for whatever reason, SyncBackSE will reconnect and resume from where it left off. This is done in the background and does not require any user intervention. This setting specifies the number of attempts SyncBackSE should make to reconnect to the FTP server before it gives up. Note that this number refers to sequential attempts, not the total number of attempts that may be made over the entire profile run (i.e. once a reconnection is made the attempt counter is reset back to zero).


·Seconds Between Attempts: The number of seconds SyncBackSE should pause before making another attempt to reconnect to the FTP server.


·Read timeout (seconds): In some situations, e. g. when the connection is dropped, an FTP server may not respond to requests from SyncBackSE. This setting tells SyncBackSE how long to wait (in seconds) for an answer from the server whenever one is required. By default SyncBackSE will wait for 60 seconds before disconnecting and reconnecting to try again.


Encryption and compression options


·Encryption method to use: Select the encryption method from the drop-down list. With most FTP servers it is suggested that the 'SSL v2 or v3' option is selected. This provides the most compatibility. If the FTP server does not support SSL encryption then this option and all the SSL settings are ignored.


·Encrypt the data channel: If enabled the data channel will also be encrypted. Note this will significantly slow down the profile.


·Use implicit connection (port 990): If enabled an implicit SSL connection will be made (most FTP servers use port 990 for implicit connections). If disabled, an explicit SSL connection is made (most FTP servers use the standard FTP port 21 for explicit connections).


·Reduce bandwidth by using compression (MODE Z): To increase performance on slower networks enable this option. It will transmit data to and from the server in compressed form to reduce the send and receive time. Note that this option requires that the FTP server supports the MODE Z FTP extension. If not, this option will be ignored. Also note that enabling this option when the FTP server is on a LAN will actually decrease performance.




·Limit bandwidth usage toà: This option lets you restrict the amount of bandwidth used for the FTP connection. For example, you may also be using the network for other things the same time the profile is run and do not want the profile to use all available bandwidth on the network.


·Quote Character: If your FTP server supports wrapping quotes around filenames, e.g. if they have spaces, then enter the quotation character here. If your FTP server does not require or support quoting (most do not) then leave this empty. In most cases uses any value here will cause problems.


·Server timezone: If the FTP server is in a different timezone then enter the number of minutes difference from GMT/UTC, e.g. +120 (meaning 120 minutes ahead of GMT/UTC), -60 (meaning 60 minutes behind GMT/UTC). Generally you do not need to enter a value, but in case the FTP server is incorrectly changing the date & times of files then you can correct it here. See also the MDTM syntax setting.


·Use Unicode (UTF8): This setting tells SyncBackSE to either use or not use the UTF8 extension on the FTP server. Some FTP servers do not correctly support UTF8 so you may wish to tell SyncBackSE not to use it. Also, some FTP servers do support it but don't tell FTP clients that they can and do support it.


·MDTM syntax: In most situations it's best to leave this setting as Default. However, some FTP servers may require that a different command format be used. The MDTM command is used to set the last modification date & time of a file on the FTP server. See also the Server timezone setting.


·Server requires Allocate command: Some (old) FTP servers require that the FTP client reserve disk space before transferring files to the server. In general, the majority of FTP servers do not require or support this.


·Force binary transfers: To increase performance SyncBackSE will not tell the FTP server it wants to transfer files in binary mode before every file is transferred. If this option is not enabled (default) then it will tell the FTP server to use binary mode immediately after the connection is made, and it will not tell it again. If this option is enabled then SyncBackSE will force the FTP server into binary mode before every file transfer. This will increase profile run times but may be required for some FTP servers.






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